A concerning pattern in ALL Socialist childhoods - TIKhistory


I knew Marx wasn't the most financially responsible man of his time but holy fuck he is the most NEET to have ever NEETed :happyjewishmerchant:



I am trying to figure out what invidious is and read this article on Wikipedia

And the following is my guess based on what I read

So does Invidious only have videos that were on YouTube and it is not a platform to upload your own videos?


· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

@shortstories It's a Youtube front-end: an interface from which Youtube videos are parsed through an API and then broadcasted onto the interface.

It's a neat way to completely circumvent Youtube's website and its ads. Some instances allow you to download the video straight to your hard drive.

The encoded video can't go further than 1080p in quality but I rarely need more to enjoy the video.

If you need 4K, then VLC or MPV with hardware acceleration turned on is the way to go.

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