During his stay at the Synagogue, Antipope John Paul II bowed his head as the Jews prayed for the Coming of their "Messiah." Antipope John Paul II has repeatedly denied the dogma defined by the Council of Florence (that the Old Covenant has ceased and cannot be observed without the loss of salvation) by stating that that Old Covenant is still valid, and therefore that Jews can be saved without conversion to Christ. Here we see him in the Jewish Temple:


The destruction of the Temple was God’s powerful sign to the Jews that the Messiah had come, that the Old Covenant had ceased, and that the Temple had been replaced by the Catholic Church.

So when Antipope John Paul II himself prayed at the Western Wall in March of 2000, it was an attempt to validate Judaism. It was a denial that Jesus Christ is the Messiah



On Dec. 1, 2003 Rabbi Marvin Heir gives a menorah to Antipope John Paul II to reward him for his "lifelong friendship" with the Jewish religion. Rabbi Heir is so opposed to Our Lord Jesus Christ that he was on mainstream News organs vehemently opposing the recent film on the Passion of Christ as being "anti-Semitic." Birds of a feather flock together - i.e., Christ-deniers flock together.

vaticancatholic dot com

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@shortstories it is interesting to look at along timeline and notice that only recently were christians told that they had to respect kikes 'cuz they're basically proto christians' when that isn't the case and jews should be given zero respect in christianity, they reject jesus, therefore anyone especially in the clergy expecting christians to accept jews is just ridiculous


If you read the Old Testament

There were prophets most of whom had Israelite and possibly also Judean ancestry who told the Israelites to stop doing bad things

Enough of the Israelites continued doing bad things that God kicked them out of Israel

Saying that they had Israelite ancestry is more likely calling themselves the descendants of the villains of the Old testament rather than the exceptional persecuted hero Israelite prophets who criticized the villain Israelites


They had the law warning them not to do bad things and were more disobedient to the Gentiles who were not given the law but who to a greater degree tried to avoid doing such bad things by the witness of their conscious but no written divine law

Making Israelites guilty to a greater degree than the Gentiles with exceptions few and far between

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