
I saw live footage on a television mainstream news station of Obama's so called wife having very big arm muscles at a presidential ball or dance type event

So if that video was faked then mainstream media faked it not people editing mainstream media clips later

But only I can know what I saw and not you


@marlathetourist @bobbala


Forensic Proof that Obama's Wife is a Man
CommanderThsh CommanderThsh

Removed from youtube but on web dot archive dot org

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@marlathetourist @bobbala @Sui


Joan Rivers • Obama is gay, Michelle is a tranny

Removed from youtube but on web dot archive dot org

@shortstories @bobbala @Sui
I'm less interested in that Obama is gay and "married" another man but how the entire country was hood winked into believing otherwise.

@marlathetourist @bobbala @Sui

The point is not that he was homosexual or that his spouse was transgender

But that the news is so fake that they can trick you into thinking that his alleged spouse was a woman

( technically some of the actors that play Michelle might have been women and others might have been men but that they tricked people into not noticing that a single one was a man simply by telling people that Michelle was a woman and people trusting in the news as authority )

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