
Let's say some groups of people live longer than other groups of people on average

In order to achieve equality the people who are in groups that live longer on average could intentionally make worse health decisions that shorten their lifespan on average

because it would be racist to suggest that the groups that live shorter on average should make better health decisions that raise their lifespan on average

If you try to raise everyone's lifespan regardless of group then you are a racist

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@shortstories This Will happen with Vegans if vegans only have babies with other Vegans and raise Those babies vegan since birth. In a few decades we will witness a evolution presure in this portion of the human population still able to have babies with non Vegans but the mark that will separate from other human population Is that Will live way longer than the general population For example today For men the average lifespan Is 78 years old I imagine in the case of Vegan men Will be 95 in averag

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