
As of 2024, 38 states have passed bills and executive orders designed to discourage boycotts of Israel.[4] Many of them have been passed with broad bipartisan support.[5]

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@shortstories >reee its a raycis sexis antisemetic far right conspiracy theory that jews run your country
Nothing says freedom like "discouraging" you from withholding your money.
Some of you might be wondering why South Dakota passed the israeli boycott bill. I grew up there. The state is ran by a very powerful jewish family called the Adalsteins. The patriarch of the family, Phil Adalstein was at my Army officer commissioning ceremony at Mount Rushmore when I graduated college in 2002. They own the largest private bank in the state.
@Jonny @shortstories (((bankers))) huh? you dont say
i'm shocked, i figured they'd be like cattlemen or something like that
@Jonny @shortstories >connect with his jewish heritage in denver

because its lizard sub humans that undermine the citizenry there?
i hate how they put this kike shit in your face like it qualifies them somehow

make kikes afraid to declare their kikeness again
@dictatordave @shortstories
Yeah northern Colorado front range is kiked too the gills
@lord_nougat @shortstories
I had just woken up too the kike threat after 9/11 and was still putting the pieces together.
@lord_nougat @shortstories
9/11 happened just 7 months earlier before I graduated with my commission as a 2nd lieutenant. I had just spent 4 years in ROTC, and now Iraq part two was about too kick off. I was freaking out
@lord_nougat @shortstories
My plan was too just be a Sergeant Bilko type of army puke for 15 years until retirement, but no, the jews fucked up my whole plan A.
@Jonny @shortstories Being a professional career puker sounds difficult and potentially injurious.
But I guess it beats just being an amateur puker who doesn't get a benefits package.
@lord_nougat @shortstories
Imagine being me and awake too the jewish threat since at least 2002? I kept getting more and more anti semitic over time but everyone I tried too tell thought that I was crazy. It sucked donkey balls.
@Jonny @shortstories Yeah, that sucks. I was just an edgy internet antisemite at that point, for edgy lulz. I clued in eventually, though.
@lord_nougat @shortstories
2008 crash pegged my kike meter. Then the ALS Awareness Ice Water Bucket Challenge in 2014 pegged my kike meter again (soldiers dying from the anthrax vaccine).
@Jonny @shortstories That was annoying, but was less bad for me than the dotcom bubble burst after y2k or so...
I finally had my own business and was not taxed out of existence [yet], so I could just hustle really hard and make more money. It was still crappy, but we had a fancy place overlooking the squalor below.

I don't know how this next one is going to work out. I think I need to invest in some better body armor and LOTS more ammo. In minecraft or something.
@lord_nougat @shortstories
All those guys who knew how too code in COBOL before Y2K should have been able too retire if they had any business sense.
@Jonny @shortstories Eh. Fortran and assembly were surely much more valuable.
And my oldschool engineer pal who knew those is rich and retired in the countryside now.
@lord_nougat @shortstories
If I was motivated, I would be building an off grid homestead in southern Utah right now, but I’m a lazy fuck.
@lord_nougat @shortstories
Too close too the ocean. Both Musk and Bezos are building underground bunkers in the Rocky Mountain foothills. Crustal shift is gonna cause big tsunamis
@Jonny @shortstories Well, yeah. The whole axial flip thing will wipe out everything. No telling what will and won't survive that cataclysm, so we figure we may as well try to find a spot with acreage and strategic placement that we can at least enjoy until whatever it is kills us.
Getting out of los angeles seems like at least a minimum requirement. Who even WANTS to survive, surrounded by all of these goblinoids and negroes and communists?!!?!
@lord_nougat @shortstories
If your gonna move, you might as well get a couple thousand feet of elevation under your feet.
@Jonny @shortstories Well, yeah. That is certainly a sensible option. Since when have I ever been sensible, though? I want to retain ocean access and my pretty boat!
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