"P x S x E x C = CO2 (carbon dioxide output)."
"P = population; S = services used by people; E= the energy needed to power those services; and C equals the carbon dioxide created by that energy"

Each Jew has a higher Carbon footprint than the non Jew

Jews own businesses

These businesses force gentiles to commute to work that they could do online at a lower carbon footprint

Jews assign people debt when they lend them money that they never had causing them to use energy


Over population of people who choose to practice the Jewish religion is the primary cause of climate change

Some examples include wildfires that misinformation spreaders claimed were arson

Weather modification experiments that are published about in the mainstream media that is also called a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media

Trying to block out the sun

If we make the Jewish religion illegal throughout the world & deprogram Jews

J * S * E * C will become 0 because J will become 0

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