I thin iq is bs and asian iq being high is circumstantial. All iq tests are based on pattern recognition and simple math. Asian cultures use angled graphics which could mean they are more exposed to visuals that are used in iq tests whereas whites use round graphics in their cultures so in iq tests they rely more in actual intelligence eather than visual pattern recognition. Proof is in how large disparity is between development of white vs asian societies throughout history.


Korean, Chinese and Japanese have a higher IQ on tests for cultural reasons because historically there was a tradition in China of promoting people based on how well they do on tests on the "Confucian" classics

So they have had a long standing tradition of studying for tests in order to get promoted at work

Knowing whether or not something was true or false was not important to them but only knowing what answer the test grader wanted

This is relatively new to Europeans



Vietnam, Thailand, Laos have a lower IQ than Japan, South Korean & China

People I have met from these lower IQ Southeast Asian cultures are better at trade school skills like carpentry and know gardening, camping and wilderness survival type skills better but are not as book smart

If I was stranded in the wilderness I would rather be with one of these wilderness smart people than book smart people

Urban blacks are usually bad at book smarts and also do not know wilderness survival

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