Mainstream media sources confirm Ashkenazi & Sephardic "Jews" & the State of "Israel"

1 Are in charge

2 Are causing the bad things that are happening to gentiles

Now hear is the thing people try to claim it is only the Liberal Jews who are not Orthodox Jews who are to blame

But the Orthodox Jews taught the liberal Jews to hate Gentiles

The Liberal Jews are enforcing the Orthodox Jewish worldview of trying to enslave or exterminate Gentiles

How can their Orthodox Jew trainers not be blamed?

Now I am not so sure they really have Ashkenazi or Sephardic lineage maybe they claim to so when criticized they can say their ancestors were victims of the holocaust

So it is often claimed that Orthodox "Jews" are OK because they are patriarchal and so have a high birth rate

But here is the problem with supporting Orthodox Jews if they label you as of Gentile Ancestry

Their high birth rate only makes them a bigger threat to your existence if you do not want to be enslaved or executed if they consider your mother to be a gentile


"With regard to bloodshed, if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt."

Sanhedrin 57a

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It's called the JQ - Jewish Question after all, it's not EEJQ (eastern european) or AJQ (ashkenazi) question.

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