The only thing in nature that is fatty and sweet is mother's/breast milk. That's why we cannot control ourselves when it comes to eating sweet and fatty foods, like ice cream, cream-filled pastry, oreos and thing like that. The companies have hijacked our nature and use it to make us sick and squeeze every last penny out of us. Because we have to literally fight our own biological programming to resist these foods.


If you eat sugary fruits with no added sugar and nuts in the same meal with no processing other than removing the nuts from the shell

or fatty fruits like avocado with sugary fruits with no added sugar

you can have sweat and fatty in the same meal without high tech processing

But I could not think of any plant that is both high in fat and high in sugar at the same time

of course it depends on what quantity is the minimum before it is called high



If you eat pumpkin it is sweat with fattening seeds on the inside

cooked canned pumpkin with no sugar added is extremely sweat

and it has a lot of seeds that would come out of the pumpkin in nature all of which would be fatty with no oil added from other sources

That is both sweat and fat from the same plant without adding any sugar or fat from other food sources

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