So the Orthodox Jews say that everyone without a Jewish mother is a goyim and that they should murder or enslave all individuals who are goyim based on some texts and then do some extra stuff

Then the Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionists, Reform, Secular and Humanist Jews say that extra stuff and the texts is too much

They want to keep it simple at murder or enslave all individuals who are goyim

This goal was passed on to them from the Orthodox Jews

The extra stuff fools Goyim

Some people say how can I know the texts really say that and that people have not just made that up

For example they might look up Libre David 37 and have difficulty finding it

But if you look up enough of it you will find enough to know even if some of it is fake

Confirmed right on Orthodox Jewish websites in English translations the websites provide

Unless you are going to say the websites are fake and are not really run by Orthodox Jews but then you can ask Jews if the websites are fake

For example they might say they can not find Libre David 37 but they can find Sanhedrin 57 says, "If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt"

Even if you debate whether or not Libbre David 37 is in the original text

You can know enough that Jews view murder of Gentiles as morally acceptable from Sanhedrin 57 that you can confirm exists

And what you can confirm exists from Jewish websites is enough to know the Jewish plot to murder gentiles

Especially if Jews say those are real Jew websites

This is what an Orthodox Jewish texts says

With regard to bloodshed, if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt.

Sanhedrin 57a

There is no excuse for not knowing this after you have read this

You can find it at multiple Jewish websites and talk to Jews to ask if those websites are managed by Jews without bringing up which text you want to view to tempt them to lie if they know why you ask

Someone might argue I am wrong when I say,

"So the Orthodox Jews say that everyone without a Jewish mother is a goyim and that they should murder or enslave all individuals who are goyim"

Because there is another way to become classified as a Jew which is conversion. But if you convert they basically make you their slave and conversion is just another way to enslave goyim



Zionist Republicans are the Shabbos Goy or Noahide Slaves of the so called Jews

You mean become a Noahide or Shabbos Goy slave so they do not execute you?

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