nowhere have I "claimed" an "innate deficiency" of intelligence in blacks. My position on this question is clearly spelled out in my most recent book: "The plain fact is that at present there exists no scientifically satisfactory explanation for the differences between the IQ distributions in the black and white populations. The only genuine consensus among well-informed scientists on this topic is that the cause of the difference remains an open question."

Racism lowers IQ. That's why only blacks are effected.


I believe the largest cause of lower black IQ is kike propaganda directed at black people encouraging them to blame the white man and demand free stuff from White men instead of trying to succeed by actions other than blaming the White man. And not being told that it is the White looking kikes that keep them down when the White man is blamed

There might still be an IQ difference but the difference would be much less without such propaganda because they might try to study

@HarryNuggets @shortstories @Humpleupagus And like I’d tell the gab-holes:
>So what you’re saying is the only physical attribute NOT determined by genetics is IQ.
Also what I’d tell them:
>Guessing you’ve never bought a dog before.

@EvilSandmich @Humpleupagus @HarryNuggets

Most of the variation in physical attributes is caused by behaviors and environment with rare exceptions when people have certain genetic disorders

I am proposing the same for intelligence and physical attributes

No matter how much genetic potential someone has most will not be able to do a 5 minute per mile marathon without training

The primary cause of high intelligence is the choice to study not DNA

Rare exceptions are caused by genetic defects

@shortstories @Humpleupagus @HarryNuggets The back door you’re trying to sneak out is walled up. You concede that environmental factors impact other physical attributes (hair, skin color, bone density) but then try to cast IQ as malleable while it’s clear those other things are not.

It looks like you also tried the old “judge a group by its individuals” switcheroo which is as old as the hills. Groups are judged by group data, not by the anecdote of some individual.

You also duck out on the dog question as it’s clear that not only is intelligence genetic but also (largely) character attributes and overall physical potential.

In the end you agree completely with the left on race (I haven’t looked at your timeline, this may be deliberate, if so I apologize) as you also think that black failure is due completely to external circumstances.

@EvilSandmich @Humpleupagus @HarryNuggets

There is a correlation between culture and DNA

Black parents teach black culture to their black children

I would suggest that black culture is to blame for black problems

Various Kike information outlets also try to push a culture on black people

Even when black people are adopted by White parents the media outlets push a culture on these black people claiming their ancestors were enslaved by White Christians instead of primarily Kikes


@EvilSandmich @Humpleupagus @HarryNuggets

I am not denying the possibility that black people as a group tend to have a lower IQ due to genetic reasons but I would suggest that kike propaganda is to blame to a greater degree for the lower IQ

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to an extent , perhaps
nigs gots ta nig , though
@shortstories @EvilSandmich @Humpleupagus @HarryNuggets Gosh, it seems to me the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study really put that position to pasture. As far as IQ goes, it’s hard to find a more heritable trait, genetically speaking.
I don’t deny culture and society have parts to play - but the data strongly suggests to me these are downstream of biology

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets

The very fact that someone can take a IQ test without studying first and try to achieve the highest score they can then go back and study it and take the same test again and get a higher score proves that IQ test results are not 100% genetic

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets

The study does not prove It because both the adopted and non adopted black children receieved propaganda to blame white people for black problems

I am going to suggest that propaganda to blame white people for black problems does more to lower black IQ than any genetic difference between white people and black people although I am not denying the possibility of some genetic difference in the IQ test scores

> You can't prove that niggers are genetically less intelligent because I buy the kike propaganda that all goyim are equal.

@Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

I am not denying that black people as a group might tend to be genetically less intelligent than white people as a group

But I would suggest that kike propaganda has done more to lower black intelligence tests scores then genetic differences between whites & blacks

Black people simply are not motivated to study when whites are blamed for black problems instead of black culture and kikes

Why study when White people owe you welfare

There's actually a huge fucking irony here. Under your theory, you must buy into the idea that all people are equal, which is the very basis of the kike propaganda that White racism is to blame for all nigger problems. You are the kike propagandist.
I believe in Rockwell view of breeds and his question of why we use breeds of animals for various purposes and brag about it as a science and yet pretend humans are all equal. And yes he mentions outliers. I also wish I could believe my love of comfortable cotton briefs is the reason generations of niggers have been shooting each other and remaining illiterate and disgusting
And when making social policy, you generally can't rely on outliers. Law doesn't work that way. Law starts globally and then carves out very narrow exceptions. And if an exception swallows the rule, it's shit Law.
Remind me to send you a retainer. I need a good lawyer or will one day I am sure
@Humpleupagus @shortstories @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica just as women aren’t equal to men, dumb people aren’t equal to smart people. And just as smart people with consciousness aren’t equal to other smart people that are genetically without consciousness. Nobody is equal to each other besides identical twins

But I would suggest that kike propaganda has done more to lower black intelligence tests scores then genetic differences between whites & blacks

Just how many points would you estimate that kike propaganda lowers their intelligence? It's going to have to be a substantial number to support this argument.

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

I would suggest that kike propaganda has lowered black, white, hispanic & asian raw intelligence scores by more than 80% of what it could be

So maybe if you multiply the average score by 5 it would exceed the maximum score on the raw intelligence test

But I believe if you used a hard enough test with enough questions where the current average score multiplied by 5 does not exceed the maximum then it would prove my point

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

Now Let's say maybe the white raw intelligence has been lowered by more than 80% but the black raw intelligence has been lowered by more than a higher percent it could explain part of the difference between white and black raw intelligence scores

What are the median numbers in this hypothetical scenario, and how did you arrive at them?

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

The problem is the difference in human intelligence without kike propaganda is so vast that no test on earth today could possibly be advanced enough to measure it

You've presented a hypothesis. Give some estimates and supporting evidence to support it. 'It's too complicated' isn't a valid argument.

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica
Ok so I take an intelligence test today and there are zero vector calculus problems on it

I studied vector calculus but I can not prove I know that because the intelligence tests are not advanced enough

We could make a test with vector calculus on it

Maybe most people would get close to zero under the kike education system as the control group

Then the experimental group teaches kikes enslaved blacks plus vector calculus

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

We then do a vector calculus test comparing the control group with the experimental group

The experimental group I propose would have a median score more than 10 times higher than the control group

And the control group would get less than 1 in 20 problems right

There would be no multiple choice

The answer is always a vector or scalar quantity they are looking for

@shortstories @Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets > vector calculus test …

Have you ever taken an IQ test ? It’s coming across like you think it’s sort of like an SAT or something - which hasn’t been my experience with them at all.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Humpleupagus @Quentel @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets

I am saying we need a different kind of intelligent test with harder material

And that they mask the true greatness of intellectual difference because they avoid hard subjects like vector caculus, physics, chemistry, and so on where the truly intelligent people could have time to shine

@shortstories @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Humpleupagus @Quentel @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets to be honest it’s better to be friends with someone that isn’t just a calculator. I would prefer a lower IQ person if the high IQ person just spouted facts all day and were unable to laugh at himself because that would be dumb

It's becoming easier to understand how @Sui is able to toy around with you with such little effort.

@Quentel @Sui @Humpleupagus @shortstories @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica I don’t take myself very seriously just the other post I was talking about communication with cars by telepathy
@Quentel @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @Humpleupagus @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Sui @shortstories I was friends with some intellectuals you could say. They worked for tax agency in Spain. The moment you made a joke that was inappropriate or sounded not conforming to normal conversation they would just say what do you mean? They couldn’t understand anything outside of scope of normalcy
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Most niggers aren't going to be scoring favorably on vector calculus exams anytime soon. The only alternative is to dumb down the tests even more to capture their intelligence level with respect to quantitative ability. How would this address the well-known delta?

Honest question: do you know the difference between a vector and a scalar?

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

To prove this hypothetically

We would put black people in school separated from their kike influenced black parents where they are forced to learn vector calculus and that kikes enslaved the blacks

They would call the program unethical and that is why my point can not be proven in the current society for legal reasons

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica
"Honest question: do you know the difference between a vector and a scalar?"

A vector has a magnitude & a direction or sense

A vector in Caartesian Coordinates is composed of multiple scalars that form coordinates. If the scalars are real numbers than the magnitude is square root of the sum of the squares of the scalars

A vector in polar coordinates is a magnitude and a list of angles to give a direction

Need more info?

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

"Honest question: do you know the difference between a vector and a scalar?"

I am going to explain this simpler just in case you really want to know what a vector is

A vector would basically be graphically represented like a arrow that points the direction or sense between one object and another combined with a number or magnitude explaining the distance between two objects

This is not the only kind of vector

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica


Let's say you have two coordinates (4,5) and (2, 2)

(4,5) - (2,2) = (2, 3)

(2,3) could be a vector representing that you have to travel positive two units in the X direction and positive 3 units in the y direction to go from (4,5) to (2, 2)

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How about sending them back to the continent of Africa where they can use their genetic progression to develop wakanda, without the aid of others. It would be purely genetic at that point.

Wait a minute... the results of that experiment already exists. Look at Africa for those numbers.

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

Africa was invaded by kikes. You have to kick the kikes out of Africa to test it.

Kikes can be quarantined in New York

How many kikes are in Africa? None of them want to reside there.

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

Kikes own the African diamond mines, they own the African school system, they own the African media

Kikes own Africa just like they own the entire world

I do not claim their ownership is legitimate

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Doesn't really matter. Do you still not understand what's going on?

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@Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

So basically they could make an intelligence test so difficult that nobody alive today could get even one problem right

But people who have not been exposed to kike propaganda would get some of the problems right

Because the difference in intelligence of people who have not been exposed to kike propaganda would be so great

so.. old fucks who have been deprogramming a few years , might get some right ? lol

@iwetoddid @Humpleupagus @Quentel @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets @KingOfWhiteAmerica

It might take more than fifty years to set up the experiment

First you overthrow the kikes and set up the test that might take twenty years

Second you have to train people for twenty years in to control groups one with the old kike public school system material and the other with the new material which is equivalent to a present day bachelor's degree in physics by the time they turn twenty

Then compare tests

@shortstories @Quentel @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets I have my doubts as to whether you sincerely believe this position of yours; but I will say it reminds me of the guys that deny the existence of Free Will on the basis that marketing works. It’s overstressing a particular point imo.
I really really doubt the average White is 180 IQ much less the average black being over 100.

Even then I have seen some mind numbingly stupid people who were otherwise highly intelligent academically.
is test taken by a nigger? or some White kid with moderate aptitude for studying?
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