Some Black person told me the reason black people burn down stores in black neighborhoods is because black people are not allowed to own stores in their neighborhood & the stores they burn down are owned by Indians

He said they burn the stores because the owners are not black

He said that is why black people burning down stores in their neigborhood is not the cause of a lack of affordable grocery stores that are not liquour stores nor bars nor restaurants nor gas stations in their neighborhood

@shortstories >Not allowed to own stores
Don't they get free money for "minority owned businesses" to do this? Are there not hundreds of videos of them abusing the small business loans from Covid? Who is going to call them out for racism and not valuing diversity?

The truth is they are a separate nation within our nation and we cannot live together.


I believe peaceful integration zones is possible but only if we have segregation zones

If we have segregated zones then White people who are abused by blacks can leave to them and then if black people want their precious White workers & thinkers then they will have to stop abusing them

Also black people will no longer have the excuse of racism in some integrated cities because they can leave to a place with no white people where white people can not discriminate against them

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