How did that phrase go? "First they ignore you, then they attack you, something, something..."? I don't remember the phrase going "then they get ratio'd on social media" but it's happening regardless. :pepe_brightsmile:
Wait a moment, I just realised: why does he have "pastor" in his name and an Israel flag next to it? It's probably a meme account and everybody took the bait. Like "Reverend Ray Cistman" who keeps posting crazy pro-black. :doge_laugh:
@Rasterman Some Evangelicals invented this new form of Christianity where they believe they need to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem to begin the rapture or something.

@Will2Power @Rasterman

How could the wailing wall be a part of the original temple if

"Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down"

Mark 13

Regarding sacrifices involving the attempt to build the impostor temple & Isaiah 66

"whoever sacrifices a bull is like one who kills a person, and whoever offers a lamb is like one who breaks a dog’s neck; whoever makes a grain offering is like one who presents pig’s blood"

@shortstories @Rasterman I don't think it is right? Isn't the "Wailing Wall" actually something the Roman's built in that area and it's not actually part of the temple? There are other guys here who would know better than I do.

@Will2Power @Rasterman
The Antonia Fortress (Aramaic: קצטרא דאנטוניה)[a] was a citadel built by Herod the Great and named for Herod's patron Mark Antony, as a fortress whose chief function was to protect the Second Temple. It was built in Jerusalem at the eastern end of the Second Wall, at the north-western corner of the Temple Mount, and was connected to the Temple by porticoes.

Some people say the wailing wall is part of this Fortress not part of the original temple


@Will2Power @Rasterman

Kikes do lewd acts at the wailing wall

The Baal Shem Tov, the 18th century founder of Hasidic Judaism, notes in his ethical testament, Tzavaat HaRivash, that the swaying in prayer is similar and connected to the act of copulation.

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