Anglin has stated women should be married off at that age. I feel comfortable confirming that without a direct quote.

Yeah cause he wants to lay pipe in 14 year olds
@doctorsex His point is women need to be married off to start having kids once they are fertile. That's a different thing than hedonistic sex.

But, I've engaged with this discussion as much as it made sense to.
Every single retard who has made the "marriage (for the purpose of procreation (sex)) ASAP" has made it abundantly clear time and time again that the actually have no idea how fertility works but yeah I'm sure it's different this time because the guy saying it hates jews enough or whatever
I love how they always do "its not for sex but procreation" do these niggas not know how it works?
@transgrammaractivist @doctorsex An age of consent of 16 seems reasonable for me policy-wise. People are uncomfortable with anything lower these days. I would ask once a woman hits high school and the breasts fill out, what magically changes between 14 and 16 and 16 to 18 to make the idea of courtship and marriage tenable. But 16 is a reasonable compromise, if nothing else to stop the bullshit "pedo" retorts.

Of course, in this Jewed out Satanic hellhole, the entire discussion of lowering the age of consent would not be had with good intent, so I wouldn't support lowering it without getting rid of the Jews. (My understanding, without looking it up, is it would not need to be lowered at all to reach 16 in many cases, both here and abroad, but I don't care to look it up.)

The whole "you're a pedophile" thing for being attracted to a sexually mature female is retarded. It could hardly be argued if more women were becoming committed wives at 14 and starting to have kids, we would not, in fact, get more children being born. The whole stigma just conveniently happens to result in fewer children being born.

The "you want to fuck kids" line is just making a cheap shot with ill intent about a discussion that deserves to be had about why "we" decided having kids in the prime of fertility was a bad idea.

@DailyStormerDigest @transgrammaractivist @doctorsex

If we say it is not legal to marry until X years old then someone will say it is wrong to date or court or talk to someone at X - 1 years old

If you have to court or talk to or date someone for at least 1 year before marrying them

Then whatever marriage age you set as X results in people not marrying until X + 1 years old

The only solution is to officially legalize courting at a younger age than the official legal age of marriage

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The only people who get actually bent out of shape if an 18 year old and a 16 year old are together are a contingent of unhinged people who only exist on twitter and people like you who don't know about romeo and juliet laws.

Either way, trying to implement a law like that without first making the cultural changes to bring back courtship and the associated social infrastructure to support it is literally putting the cart before the horse
I mean, do you disagree?
This is like saying murder laws shouldn't exist because people still get killed
With 18 banging 16? No that's pretty close in age. 30 and 16 yeah that's weird
Yeah, and it's also already covered by romeo and juliet laws

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

An 18 year old man dating a 16 year old woman is usually bad

The age gap should usually be much large if the man has had enough time to develop skills & resources to support a family in our current society

The man usually should be at least 23 years old

"A massive new study of online dating finds that everyone dates aspirationally—and that a woman’s desirability peaks 32 years before a man’s does."

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

Some women are not mature enough to marry at 40 years old

This is primarily because of the type of society they are raised in

There are some men and women who can do Calculus at 12 where as there are other men and women who can not even multiply a one digit number by another one digit number without a Calculator at 40

When people go to pro blind faith in government public school their time is wasted and they are brainwashed

16-18 is historic and traditional. The further away from that you move the harder it is to believe this isn't some purely prurient thing where a dude in his forties isn't just trying to score some fresh gash, in which case, it is weird & gross

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

What kind of high paying job can an 18 year old man get? How much saved money would an 18 year old man have? What kind of skills at getting resources would an 18 year old man have?

Child labour laws have delayed the age at which men have working skills. Most men do not know how to farm their own food anymore. The prices of property have sky rocketed due fractional reserve lending. Property tax makes farming not affordable.

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

Blue collar route to money or wealth -> Take many years learning a skill

White collar route to money -> Take many years learning a college degree

An 18 year old man simply does not qualify for these things because the starting point to learning a skill or getting a college degree is usually at 18 because most men are not fortunate enough to have parents teach them the family business blue collar skill before they are 18

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

Next follow the words between qualified persons; for persons excluded by law cannot contract marriage, and if they do their marriage is invalid. Persons, for instance, within the fourth degree of kindred, a boy before his fourteenth year, and a female before her twelfth, the ages established by law, cannot contract marriage.

Catechism of the Council of Trent

Ok so why not focus on rebuilding the social infrastructure that allowed for young marriage than jumping right to attacking the age of consent itself? Because if you're putting the cart before the horse like this and insisting on it, it's either you're not putting enough thought into this, or it's because you're weirdly intent on laying pipe in pubescent girls
Sorry this is my culture. I grew up saying this to friends, including in situations wherein you just really agree with something someone said. Think of it like "so true"
Yes we do. It's called anime and drinking awful beer at """breweries""" sweaty
Only sometimes. Other times the owners would be doing the community a favor by just being a dive bar serving macro stuff
Show newer

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

If there are two societies that rebuild the infrastructure of society but one has a lower age of legal marriage than the other then I would suggest the one with the lower age of legal marriage will have higher birth rate and defeat the other society up to a point.

Lowering the legal age of marriage below a certain number will no longer raise the birth rate

Muslims & Jews have a lower legal age of marriage than "Christians"

Rebuilding the social infrastructure we had naturally allows for younger marriage. Not even all that long ago (relatively speaking) a 16 and 18 year old could get married and start a family, and this was economically viable.
The assertion that lower legal age of marriage alone is what solves fertility is self-evidently wrong, as romeo and juliet laws already allow for young marriage and yet fertility is not improved.

So why do insist on putting the cart ahead of the horse?

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

Let's say in the U.S.A. and Europe White people and Christians and Atheists are not allowed to marry until 18 or older

But Muslims and Jews continue to allow marriage at 12 or even younger

The Muslims and Jews will continue to have a higher population growth rate per capita

If a population has the same average number of children at a younger average age than that population growth rate will be higher

>Let's say in the U.S.A. and Europe White people and Christians and Atheists are not allowed to marry until 18 or older
Firstly, 18 only really exists as a barrier in America. And even then, you still have romeo and juliet laws, which do allow for marriage at a lower ages. So, off the bat, that's kind of not really the case.
>But Muslims and Jews continue to allow marriage at 12 or even younger
This is something that really only happens in orthodox jewish communities in Israel, so we're talking about a minority of a minority here. Re: muslims- a majority of muslims are Sunni, which is fairly liberal. The ones that do come to the West liberalize within a generation or two- this puts the birthrate more on par with that of the native population.
As far as the "twelve" number, I mean, ok, I guess, but understand that at 14 and below you're talking about higher and higher chances of pregnancy being a very dangerous thing for both the mother and the child. This continues the further down you go from ~16-18.

This is stuff that, if you're not considering or at least acknowledging, just makes it sound like you want to fuck 12 year olds.
Consider also the second order effects of rebuilding the social infrastructure as well- this has positive impacts across the board. Higher trust society, stronger economy, demographic stability, etc.
Whereas if you *just* make it so girls can get married or pursued for marriage, you have everything else roughly the same except that now you just have older dudes going after younger women (which is gross and does not have a historical precedent) and you also have a scenario where you have a massive imbalance where younger men are deprived marriage and prospects for family foundation. This is not sustainable, and is very bad for a number of other reasons.

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

You can support both rebuilding infrastructure and also lowering the legal age of marriage. The educational system should be changed first before the legal age of marriage is lowered unless marriageability exams must be passed to get married. Marriageability exams in my opinion are a better method because it prevents people who have reached a certain age but are still not ready to get married from getting married.

>You can support both rebuilding infrastructure and also lowering the legal age of marriage
You absolutrly can, and rebuilding that social infrastructure would just naturally lead to lower marriages. My issue is that people laser focus on the young marriage part and completely ignore the plethora of externalities, for instance, why age of consent exists, why it is at 18 in the first place, the laws that *already exist* allowing for young marriage to happen, why young marriages are less common, etc.
It is, *at best*, an issue of misplaced priorities. It is *at worst* pedophiles or other sexual deviants attempting to launder their perversions under ideology.

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

So the thing is in our current society whatever age of marriage is set people are not going to get married until much older than that age

You would have to make it legal and socially acceptable for men to talk to women with the intent of marriage before the legal age of marriage

There is no legal and socially acceptable way for White Christians and White Agnostics and White Atheists to do that

>whatever age of marriage is set people are not going to get married until much older than that age
This is just not true, lmao. You can *really* easily find graphs of average marriage ages in the US- you really did not have the problem of people marrying later & later until relatively recently. The biggest barriers to family formation are economic. As the economy shifted towards the service industry and as inflation gets worse, people get married and have families later.
>There is no legal and socially acceptable way for White Christians and White Agnostics and White Atheists to do that
R&J laws, parental consent
>socially acceptable
It's called, "I dated my highschool sweetheart & we got married"
This stuff really isn't hard and I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here but the more and more you double down on a problem that could be much more effectively solved by re-working economic incentives with "you need tp let me fuck middle schoolers" it's really hard to read it any other way

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @Evil_Bender @DailyStormerDigest

So should people know each other less than a year and then get married?

If people can not legally talk to people below the legal age of marriage then they can not get married until later than the legal age of marriage unless they marry people that they did not spend much time talking to at all

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