Apparently the author of the study confirmed that he did not include any jews living in Israel into the data.

Propaganda is relatively easy to discern these days.


"Jews" living in Israel might have interbred with Palestinian real Jews living in Israel resulting in their descendants who live in Israel appearing to be Jewish despite having a Ashkenazi or Sephardic counterfeit Jewish parent

"It has always been clear that the only way to decide which Jewish communities represent the ancient Israelites most accurately, we should go back to the source – Israel. Therefore, in the late 19th century a search for the jüdische Typus, the “Jewish type” was launched. Anthropologists explored Palestine, studied the native inhabitants, and compare their anthropological measures to Jews.

The results of these studies were incredibly disappointing, at least to the Ashkenazic Jews who carried out these studies and craved to see the jüdische Typus reflected in the mirror. As it turned out, Yemenite Jews held the greatest anthropological resemblance to the wandering Bedouins, the poster boys of the Patriarchs.

Ashkenazic Jews, by contrast, resembled the Caucasian type more than anything else (Efron 1994).
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