I'm still hearing normies being butthurt online about being wrong about the vaccine. Here's what commonly comes up:

* no-one could have possibly known
* it was a coin-flip
* we were lied to
* i was coerced into it
* those who knew didn't publicly speak up
* some other cope

Some people are genuinely trying to understand how they fucked up so badly by learning from those who didn't. I can't properly explain how I saw instantly what others still can't. It's more intuition than reason.



@UncleIroh I think of herd morality that Tfm often talks about. Too many People’s idea of being a good person is to go along with the herd, to not make anyone feel uncomfortable, to not think you know better than the herd’s experts or expertise of the herd. To not think for yourself. To not think.

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