Working with Women is insufferable. We get a shift change and bc she has to handle doing the same shitty thing twice in a row this woman no shit cries and loses her shit.

All bc I'd rather watch something I have to monitor so things don't get fucked as they run while I am alone at the ass end of my own night. Also ignoring how nobody else behaves this way. Dealing with woman moments is fucking annoying when all I am at work to do is explicitly not fuck shit up as is in my job purview.



it's almost as if men should be paid more to actually do their job instead of throwing tantrums and being given excuses.

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@southpole21 Yup. I didn't do the 'polite' thing with the 15-20 minutes I had to make a dent in a bunch of unpleasant stuff after. We *can* multitask, but per governance & regulations we're not supposed to operate that way. So my deference by myself is to make sure shit closes out w/out problems. Turns put following dipshit woman would turn 2.5 hours of work into about 6.


whatever they do, wherever they go, they don't work, they create more work.

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