@Tfmonkey I think this guys sums up the high IQ women really well. They’re simply not curious enough about the world due to their agreeable nature. As a result they’re actually less knowledgeable about shit compared to their male counterparts. Complete waste of time to higher a women for anything all else being equal.

KHK is a brilliant materials scientist who owns patents on materials that exist in your home right now and improve your life

but i can’t count the number of times that she simply doesn’t know some basic piece of knowledge, and she treats her lack of interest in a great many things like a virtue.

@s2208 @Pain66 whenever I meet a "brilliant" woman, it's endlessly entertaining to observe how vapid and basic they are the nanosecond you discuss anything outside of their specific area of expertise.


@Tfmonkey @s2208 @Pain66

You’re lying. Greta Thunberg is a powerful intellectual with her own ideas. How dare you.

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