@Tfmonkey The govt would be able to control how much product you buy so that would stop inflation. The govt will stop me from buying all the toilet paper and basically ration goods. So then that would decrease Inflation and we would just be I Soviet lines waiting for potatoes..

@VeganBob hyperinflation is when the money becomes worthless right?

If the government turns people's money off, it becomes worthless.

Also there will be inflation in the black market as people can no longer use their money to buy what they need because the government turned their money off.

This is entirely obvious if you just think about it for longer than two seconds.


@Tfmonkey @VeganBob would bitcoin do well then? I think it would. And that is the utility that you refuse to see in bitcoin. It is also the reason I consider it digital gold.

And what backs bitcoin? Mathematics.

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