
@Tfmonkey i'm currently reading "13 rules to not be a f**king cuck" and i finished reading the part "external validation". you argue that a negative mindset to not caring about external validation is that, you'll neglect/ignore people who support your work which isn't a humbling trait to have. If you pick up a hobby and people start praising you for your skills

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@Tfmonkey for doing x hobby, but you default to “the x hobby I’m doing brings me pleasure and sharing it with other people is a bonus, and if I couldn’t share x hobby with other people. It still wouldn’t deter me in doing x hobby” mindset. Do you believe that mindset I mentioned, isn’t humbling?

@theFlow You should treat external validation as "found money", like when you search through an old pair of pants and find a $20 bill. It's a nice bonus, but you shouldn't then go around checking your pants every day hoping to find another magical $20.

It's okay to enjoy being externally validated, but you shouldn't seek it. It shouldn't be the motivation. It should be something extra that feels good when you receive it, but if you don't, doesn't bother you.

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