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Hard to find anything dumber than a broke person who buys an overpriced electric car. 🤣

"The owner’s attempt to get free electricity directly from a public power pole not only set the battery-powered Tesla Model S alight but also triggered a massive that spread to nearby home."

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Nigger destroys teacher's life with permanent injuries and practically gets away with it

"The slap-on-the-wrist sentence was believed to have been issued thanks to the testimony of Depa’s adoptive White mother, Leann Depa, which leaned into the Black thug’s autism diagnosis and a laundry list of so-called “triggers.”"

#blackcrimematters #schoolviolence #assault #thug #blackteen #nigger #brendandepa #naydich
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Mr Bean: “The best way to increase society’s resistance to insulting or offensive speech is to allow a lot more of it.”
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What is the 'fake-right'?

These parties are controlled and funded internationally by countries like Russia and China (all jewish controlled). They manipulate you with their narratives and solutions to problems that are actually caused by those who are in control of these parties.

Some examples (but definitely not all) include:

Alternative für Deutschland
Rassemblement National
Forum voor Democratie
Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs
Svoboda a přímá demokracie

The current situation in Europe is reminiscent of how communists tried to seize power. Suddenly, multiple parties emerge at the same time, all sharing the same narrative and promising you a quick solution while secretly being a part of the problem. This is how Russia and China deceive people and seize power and influence politics in Europe.
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Yep. I guess my slow CPU will take centuries to crack a simple LUKS encrypted drive. All while eating a lot of RAM.
Lesson: Don't forget your #LUKS password 🤣

#bruteforce #fde #encryption #cpucracking #passwordcracking #bruteforceattack #bruteforceluks #linux

Of course, the mainstream beanie head calls for end to the idea of society pulling funds together for the elderly because he thinks those who don't have kids should suffer.
Does this dumbass realise that statistically, not everyone can and should have kids? (e.g. Catholic priests, nuns, monks, etc).

So, either men get fucked by the system or suffer and die for choosing to avoid a rigged game.
*stamp 1:56:20

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2/ If Ina Fried's name sounds familiar, that's because she's the Axios journalist who helped promote Andrea James' doxxing website. Never got an answer from
@mikeallen as to how he could let that happen.

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British protesters need to wear masks. So many Jan 6ers learned that the hard way.
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I wanted to see whether youtube constantly crashing was caused by adblock, and it was. I disabled it to verify and omg so many ads everywhere. I have no clue how any sane person can go to the internet without an adblock. Youtube can get fucked, i am not watching any ads - ever. Actually not a single youtuber ever made a penny form my views. The only ones that did got paid via donation/superchat.

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When the protests become a MASS movement and a problem for commerce, then, and ONLY then, will the point of the protests be taken seriously.
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I'm going to change your mind FOREVER! Read below at your own beware...

I want you guys to close your eyes and imagine this:

You wake up and it's 11:47 am on Monday.
You check your notifications and you have 74 new iMessages, 20 missed calls, and 30+ new DMs in your "other box" on IG from beautiful, smart, and successful women from all over the world. You ignore it for now because it's overwhelming.
You receive a notification and you notice "Flavia sent you $200 via cashapp saying "spoil yourself" with the emoji 🥰
An hour later, your crush contacts you and asks what you're doing tonight and you purposely leave her on seen for 3 hours before responding "I have some plans, but what's up?" (Though you have zero plans)
A girl you've been dating hits you up and says she got 2 front row tickets for the NBA game tonight and you respond "I'll let you know." You guys hooked up in the past but she's way too clingy, and spent $5,000 dollars the first time she met you so you're going to slowly ghost her.
You go to the grocery store and buy groceries with your ex girlfriend's card who is still madly in love with you and pays for your high rise apartment in LA. While there, a good looking girl comes up to you, introduces herself and tells you she's throwing a yacht party later today and has a bunch of her hot friends there for you to meet. You give her your number to end the convo and leave the store. You never respond to her texts.
You go to the gym to workout and you pick your most revealing tank top that shows the gains.
While training, 3 different hot girls walk up to you at different times and ask for your number. You decline all of them even though you find them attractive.
You notice the gym is filled with women constantly eying you awkwardly as you film for your tik of only 200 followers.
You get a good pump, take a photo, and post it to IG. You INSTANTLY get 20 DMs offering gifts, travel, and money in 10 minutes for just the CHANCE to meet and date you.

You go home to relax.

You decide to flake on everyone and send out a mass text "sorry I'm busy today, rain check?" and stay home to watch movies with your cat.

All of the girls say "ok king" and offer to take you out whenever to you want.

Now let me ask YOU a question...

If you got this type of attention wouldn't you think you're a king?

Wouldyou start to look down on women in general?

Would you start to believe you are gods gift to women?

Would you begin to make more and more unrealistic demands of women to see how far they will go to date you?

Would you start texting and recording all the famous girls sweating you on IG as social proof to brag to your buddies?

I'm pretty sure you answered "YES" to all the questions I posed.

Now answer these:

Would you still go to the gym and train as hard?

Would you work those extra hours to make money?

Would you EVER feel the need to become an interesting person to impress women?

I'm pretty sure you answered "NO" to all the questions I just posed.



Welcome to life as a modern mid-hot looking woman living in a major city.

When you don't have to work for shit, and people that DID have to work for shit are trying to constantly sleep with you it makes you a delusional, stupid, and insufferable bitch.

Now you know why women behave the way they do.

You're welcome.

Post copied from X post by Myron Gaines

Source (random Nitter front-end):

#freshnfit #myrongaines #redpill #femaledatingstrategy #feminism #smv #women #dating #modernfeminism

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Anyone notices how no single extension developer makes the .crx files available anymore. Not even the so-called 'privacy' extensions like #ublockorigin.
They insist on telling everyone to use Google Extensions website which censors extensions like #BypassPaywalls.
Or you pack your own zip file extensions but loose out on timely updates (in other words, security risk).

Another loss for privacy or open internet.

#chromium #crx #extensions #chromeextensions #privacy #adblock

So, why is Rumble still accepting payments from users even when it's not giving them over to the creators like @RedIceTV ?
theft much? Because they're anti-zionist, so you steal from them.

Females will spend years to come up with a cold-blooded plan to destroy you with the system before you even see the signs that anything is going wrong.
When they initiate the , it's already too late for you.

They also use other tactics like of to get you

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.