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The Bitcoin Strategic Reserve has nothing to do with #Bitcoin adoption and everything to do with state sanctioned theft via civil asset forfeiture!

#seizure #trump #crypto #treasury

now has in-dash 😂
Meaning, these fuckers are tracking you and violating your

"The kicker? These ads appear every time the vehicle comes to a stop. Imagine pulling up to a red light, checking your GPS for directions, and suddenly, the entire screen is hijacked by an ad. That's the reality for some Stellantis owners. Instead of seamless functionality, drivers are now forced to manually close out of ads just to access basic vehicle functions."

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Tags: quote, jews, talmud, race, whites, anti_white
Source: The booru is down for now
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@Justicar won't be necessary for countries with economic migration programs (countries that prioritise students and skilled workers). The requirements for skills already filter out low IQ

In Canada, a mayor will try to shut down a comedy show for being too "controversial". And even go as far as bribing a club owner and threatening his lease.

The Faulkner Show: Stand-up comedians CANCELLED for being too controversial

Episode webpage:

Media file:

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Bad Science: Puberty Suppression and the Suppression of Information
Lesbians United

* Data is unreliable
* Junk science uses small sample sizes
* Junk sience uses no controls
* There is an unusaully high rate of subjects dropping out
* 20-30 percent loss to follow up
* Poor exclusion criterion
* Political bias - a strong desire to redeem Gender Ideology scews results
* Junk science ignores data in conclusion
* Unreasonable exclusion criteria
* Sample excluded low IQ girls from data set
* Coverd up a 25 point IQ score drop
* A significant amount of test subjects were more suicidal
* Biased researchers did not look at the raw data
* Bad science survey bias
* Voluntary survey responses are extemely biased
* Survey questions were written in a biased manner, and were difficult to answer if the test subject disagreed with the survey creator's political bias

#GnRHa #PubertyBlockers #IrreversibleDamage #Groomers #USvSkrmetti #TennesseeSB1 #BanPediatricTrasition #LeaveTheKidsAlone #MedicalQuackery #skeptic #protest #activism #Education #parentalrights #GenderCritical #TeamTERF #TransCult #PeakTrans #MedicalMalpractice #Pseudoscience #fraud #hoax #BigGender #GenderIndustrialComplex #LetWomenSpeak #TeamTERF #OccupyWoman #GenderCritical #SexNotGender #GenderWoo #GenderAtheist #RadicalFeminism #RadFem #PeakTrans #TransCult #DropTheT #LGBAlliance #GetTheLOut
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Women only dress and act like this to wield power over men. As the insane economic abundance of the post war order comes to an end and the "unipolar" world order ends, so too will the feminist jezebel spirit. Also, the nigger that had his hands on the White woman needs to be put down like a freaking rabid pit bull
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Massive Atheist-pill

So, every year, the Anglican Church of Nigeria has an event called the DIVCCON (Divine Commonwealth Conference). Basically 4 days of prayers and preaching with some seminars.

This year's event ended about a week ago.

On the first day of the event, news broke that a group of sponsored delegates were kidnapped on their way to the event. Delegates are attendees from any diocese of the Church.

The whole DIVCCON of about a thousand attendees prayed for the release of these kidnapped victims.

 They prayed for their god to intervene deliver the kidnapped victims.

Nothing happened until yesterday (a week after the DIVCCON) when the victims were released on ransom (i.e. the demanded ransom was paid for their release).

Where was their god? The criminal kidnappers had their way afterall 🤦

#atheism #god #anglican #church #prayers #christianity

@carolen at least is still there. For now

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Internet Archive has not been archiving since 10/8.

Google Cache has stopped caching.

The Alexa service - the one that used to rank web traffic (not the Amazon virtual assistant) is gone.

The ability of censors to memory-hole the internet is growing.

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I have compiled data from 50 conservative commentators husbands net worth

The average net worth is insane 🤣🙏🏻😭

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“I kept my ex husbands last name for my children” is the dumbest excuse you guys keep falling for

If she was concerned with the kids best interest she would have stayed 😭🙏🏻

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Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.