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US & Canadian Feds have extended their warrantless spying on citizens from suspected terrorist activity to mundane things like gun-shows.

The ATF hires foreign agents like RCMP officers (who have no jurisdiction!) to spy on Americans on US soil. This way they get around 4th Amendment requirements.

.. #atf #rcmp #gunshows #antiprivacy #4thamendment #4a #canadiancharter #section8 ..
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The #Purism method
- Take customer money for a pre-order
- Never ship out the product in years
- Ghost the customer when they ask for a refund

.. #Librem5 #librem #libremphone #opensource #linux #linuxphone #fraud ..

"Miranda Smith, 30, was charged with raping her 2-year-old son in 2019 even though she did not sexually penetrate him, but had her son penetrate her."

Yeah. Read the quote again.

But isn't that bad.

Just like the UK, being foid exempts you from ever being charged with rape. Worse, this means lower penalties for sexual assault where the victim is forced to penetrate or stimulate (e.g pedophilia)

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Man was falsely convicted of #assault based on nothing but the testimony of another stoned bastard who was also in detention.
Police fought to keep him in prison to serve his whole young life.

His punishment was increased for maintaining his innocence rather than pleading guilty for a deal that would get him 7 years. So, he's sentenced to 17 years instead for standing his ground.

Then 20 years later, they get #DNA #evidence that points to an alternate suspect. The new suspect might not even be arrested.

#UK cops seems very adept at tracking down people for mean twitter comments though.
Overpaid tyrant idiots.

.. #innocenceproject #falseaccusation #justice #wrongfulconviction #dnaevidence ..
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Just when you thought the Shithole to the North couldn’t get any worse, #NewBrunswick & Nova Scotia now owns your organs and tissues and you’re presumed to consent to organ collection if you die or are even Close Enough to Death.
Guess #MAID for minors isn’t culling enough people.

The same country that passes laws to undermine families, places gag orders on people when they’re charged for political ideology (e.g. #CouttsFour), passes bill to censor social media and internet, etc.

#novascotia #tissuedonor #organdonation #organdonor #canada #cdnpoli #healthcare #publichealthcare #hitler #nazihealthcare

Apparently, there's a tool that can help parents skip Nude or Violent content in streaming for kids, yet, Disney legally sued to keep it from going mainstream

Skip or mute what you don’t want to see or hear with .

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Unfortunately, PayPal permanently locked our GrapheneOS Foundation account today. No reason has been provided for the account being locked. All we've done is accept donations. We added our bank account information yesterday in order to begin withdrawing money and it was locked.

#GrapheneOS #privacy #security #donate #paypal

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We shared your private info with Meta & Snapchat without your consent (keep in mind, we’re a mental health privider).

But don’t worry, we’ve stopped (all it took was a gov’t agency coming after us).
And we’ll tell Meta to delete it.
Don’t worry. They’ll definitely comply 🤣

.. #betterhelp #privacybreach #pridecounsellling #privacy #meta ..

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This is the most humiliating shit I’ve ever seen in my life.

Here’s the deal with women – they have two purposes:

Producing progeny.

These purposes, obviously, are closely related, because the definition of a woman is “a useless and demonic mass of flesh that surrounds a very valuable gooey hole.”
Given what a woman is, you can interact them in three ways:

Produce children with them inside of marriage.
Have sex with them for money (cash money, on the barrelhead, son – none of this “pick her up on Tinder” bullshit; pick her up on instagram DMs or just go to the Ukraine any of the countries where Ukrainian women fled to)
Keep them out of your life completely.

Those are the only three options.

Onion Link:

.. #dailystormer #feminism #mgtow #simps #wwe #hulkhogan​ ..

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Journalists reacted to the announcement in a calm and reasonable manner by looking for hidden fascist messages in the "X" logo, while PBS announced they will be pulling all episodes featuring the letter "X" from their lineup.

... #twitter #xcorp #x #elonmusk ...

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So, who’s the dumbass at the Gnome foundation that decided that removing the built-in dock in new versions of #Gnome DE is a good idea?

You had a nice convenient feature of a dock that could hide itself, shows you running apps and pins your favourrites all for easy access.

But somehow, the Desktop Environment that’s supposedly built for ease, comfort and fewer customisations decided to axe that and make people install extensioms to get it back!


% #linux #desktop #ui #homescreen %

It was the eve of July 4th, and Kimbrady Carriker, a man who liked to pretend to be a woman, shot 7 people, 5 of them fatally. The story disappeared from the news cycle as quickly as it entered, because the new epidemic of trans shooters is being covered-up.

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WhatsApp be like;

“Your Messages are End-to-End Encrypted. Not even WhatsApp can see your messages”

BULLSHIT! These assholes can decrypt the last 5 messages and read them if someone reports you

#whatsapp #meta #e2ee #endtoendencryption #privacy #chat #signal

Whatsapp sees messages.webm
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I guess I won’t get to try being a food delivery slave anytime soon.🤣

Angry Rant Ahead.

Which is more annoying? #Doordash’s ridiculous invasion of privacy (their need to know where I am when I’m taking not delivering e.g at home taking a shit) or the seemingly dumb agents you call to for assistance who can’t seem to think independently 🤦‍♂️.

The guy on the phone also assumes I’m calling to change my number (Dumbass! I can do that myself from the app. I won’t call you for that). Then goes on to suggest reinstalling the app… to fix a Doordash wide policy issue, not a bug🤦‍♂️.

#privacy #surveillance

Doodash courier app requires constant access to location at all times, even when you're not doing deliveries.
An agent doesn't seem to understand that VoIP numbers can receive calls from anyone on plain cellular phone.
After explaining that I have no other number, the agent asks if I want to CHANGE my number 🤦‍♂️
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.