@ugly_bastard_reborned I'm 1 episode into angel cop and there's a bitch who saves a man and has better instincts, and survives a car crash when the man can't

I't may be anti commie but its DEFINITELY PRO women.


@basedbagel the main character is the woman that is a bad ass .You are right in that sense . The woman is op and in real life that would never happen.A lot of animes have strong female characters . I think it's feminism or something else .

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@ugly_bastard_reborned I'll admit my expectations may have been off.

I was expecting an anime- style diehard.

The bitch looks good so I'll keep watching but If I see a second of male disrespect I'm dropping it like a bad habit.

It's crazy that feminism was was already worldwide in the 80s

@basedbagel I totally get it . I don't put up with that kind of content in normie media .I have a soft spot for anime .

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