TFM's position on crypto seems to be purely ideological and not at all pragmatic.

Nobody is advising to commit 100% of your cash into anything, let alone crypto.

But if there's a non-zero chance that BTC will 10x or 100x within a year and you don't put at least 1% of your disposable income into it to hedge against market fuckery, then you are not investing, you are doing emotional/ ideological gambling.


@UncleIroh Some people even recommend putting a small percentage of your portfolio in something risky . And if that goes up you win a lot but if you lose it's nothing to lose sleep of.

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Yes, it's standard investing practise. Doing anything less is irresponsible.

@UncleIroh Also sometimes even betting using fundamentals can fail . So at this point nothing is useful in clown world .

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