@mrhorsetwat Are the Gypsies in Europe,patriarchal I know they make their women drop out of school after middle school,and have a dowry for bride system Is there any information on birth rates like that of the Omish and Hasidic Jews?
@Scubbie @mrhorsetwat As far as dowry, yes and no. If the marriage is arranged the families usually have s deal betwen them. But there are markets that if you want a gypsy wife you can go and purchase one. Happy shopping. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1ReFNdkQ5Y8&pp=ygUOYnJpZGUgZm9yIHNhbGU%3D
@Scubbie @mrhorsetwat Hi as far as I know gypsies only marry other gypsies .
@ugly_bastard_reborned @Scubbie @mrhorsetwat Not neccesarily.