
yet another conspiracy theory that has turned in to conspiracy fact

This is literally a criminal act. The entire "Get vaccinated for others" rested on them having tested this.

The non-transmissability claim was a fundamental pillar of the argument that persuaded hundreds of millions globally to put this poison in their bodies and their children's bodies against better judgment.

Nothing less than Nuremberg 2.0 and public hanging will make it right.

@UncleIroh Yes, yes it is and no one will do anything about it, I dont even think the normies have even even connected the dots on the fact that they partially took the poison because it was to protect others, but in reality everyone who took the poison did it because they are NPCs... they dont have organic thoughts, much less critical thinking.

Just because we're ahead of the game doesn't mean the backlash won't come. These things take time.

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