If you want to know if any of your friends are pedophiles, text them "HAPPY CNY"

If they respond with "what's CNY" you can tell them it means Chinese New Year, and your friend isn't a pedophile.

If they respond with 😭 😭 😭 then you're friend is a pedophile.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey oh cmon even when I google it all I get is chinese new year.

@37712 @Tfmonkey @37712 @Tfmonkey The unspoken game here is that the one that says it is a pedophile. But I'll flip it around on Monke. He knows what it is and despite not writing it, he's thinking it, thereby making him a pedophile. Got em.

It's cunny. If you ever see someone talking about their love of, or appreciation of cunny, they're most likely pedophiles. It's their own little meme that other loli lovers recognize.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey how would TFM even know that CNY is cunny I would have not even guessed it I thought the C in CNY was for child, I was thingking something along the lines of child pron.

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