Turd Flinging Monkey @Tfmonkey

i'm really curious about this, you keep saying crowder is bi like it changes anything. do you really believe men can be bi? i thought it was pretty settled at this point. bi gays are gay guys. you know crowder "impregnated" his wife by in vitro, right? it's like he wasn't able to cum inside of a woman or something...

@Pitrika I talked about this extensively in the beginning of the Saturday show, so go ahead and check that out for my thoughts where I address this.


@Tfmonkey @Pitrika holy shit not only is crowder a fag but he cant even impregnate his own wife and then he turns around and tries to make himself look like a god fearing person then turn around and goes like ok doctor do your magic and impregnate my wife, god? What about god? Fuck him, now stop waisitng my time and use your science to impregnate my wife.

@37712 @Pitrika That's really unfair to say that because Crowder used IVF that he's a hypocrite who doesn't have faith in God.

Are you one of those Christian Scientists who refuses medicine and just relies on faith? If you go to the doctor when you're sick, you must not have any faith in God right?

Glass houses, stones, and what not.

@Tfmonkey @Pitrika not a christian/religious person myself just pointing out his religious hypocrisy, the fact that he is gay and cant get it up to impregnate his own wife, cant even admit that his wife is a whore who left him to get dicked down, blames female nature as "I chose wrong" he is your classic cristcuck white knight.

Not that it takes away from the good news reporting that he does, but I stopped watching him a long time ago.

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