I always cringe at the mention of "we want the same things"/"we agree on more than we disagree" when it is someone who has politics that are diametrically opposed to my own. When you want to go the exact opposite direction that I do, we are nowhere near "wanting the same things."

Having some vague "same" end goal is not the same thing as a fully implemented set of policies seen to their conclusion. Because of this, common ground is most often not found.

If someone I am conversing with says they also do not like what is going on with token gay characters in movies, it might seem like we agree when I say I do not like it either. But when I find out the reason they do not like it is because they think there is not enough emphasis on the homosexual character and that they should have more than a few seconds of onscreen homosexuality, then it is most certainly not the same thing as me not wanting it to be present at all.


@houseoftolstoy my line in the sand, no gays bc they are degenerate

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