@Tfmonkey I know you have been waiting for the housing market to tank but according to your sat show you dont believe that will happen anymore, I have the posibility to buy a house in America for the purpose of renting it out or maybe living on it myself, not sure if I should go ahead and purchase it. also not sure if the fed will increase or decrease the interest rates


@Tfmonkey I basically depend on you to be my news source, I am not asking you to predict the future, but could you tell me what the latest fed statement regarding if it will increase or decrease interest rates is, every day its getting harder and harder to get google to tell me even the most basic infor without completly getting lied to and propagandized. also, could you explain your logic behind why having illegals will not allow for a housing crash, illegals can buy homes, no money and sheet.

@37712 @Tfmonkey he explained it on the previous Saturday show I believe, I have the timestamps.

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