
@Tfmonkey what is causing the recent price increase in gold and silver, is it just arbitrage between exchanges? Can the gov do something to keep the price down?

@37712 @Tfmonkey
I don't think they will keep the price of gold suppressed since they are already fortifying the election for November. Actually they might even let it rise further so they can "reevaluate" all the phantom gold reserves they hold at the fed, creating billions of dollars in collateral overnight in the fed balance sheet.

It would also make it harder for China and Russia to continue buying ALL the gold.

@37712 the copper squeeze became a nickel squeeze, and is spreading to other metals because the COMEX isn't shutting down the contracts (yet).

@Tfmonkey should metal investors be ready to expect a price pullback if the gov makes it illegal to sell contracts to non western countries and will this really stop arbitration or will this just take a new form of arbitration?

@37712 the government is sure to re-write the rules if they lose, so be prepared.

@37712 @Tfmonkey Is the copper squeeze being caused by the people stealing copper wiring from Tesla charging stations and re-selling it?

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