@sardonicsmile holy shit, that is a new way of looking at it, I love it.

@37712 Well, although a funny take. Size does matter. Women virtue signal to make us believe it does not. But it does.


@sardonicsmile I agree it does matter but a good woman should not know the difference bc a good woman would not be whoring herself around.

@37712 Well, there is no such thing as a "good woman" or "ideal woman". There is ONLY woman.
They have access to porn, just like us and are constantly looking for the better deal.
Remember: opportunity and hesitation are the only two things that keep a woman from cheating. The second she has an opportunity, without hesitation, she will be riding a bigger dick.
It is a known fantasy/fetish for a woman to be taken by a large Black man. A *Large* Black man.

@37712 There are Many "man on the street" interviews where women are asked about size or men they refuse to date. MOST of them mock Asian and Indian men for the boilerplate reasons: i.e. "he looks like my brother" or "he had a small penis". Even other men are mocked incessantly for being genetically inferior. It is just Nature, eliminating thenless desirable traits.
Remember: females are the Selectors. Men are ONLY the askers.

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