@Tfmonkey So let me get this straight. If you were living in Singapore, you'd be all for Biden 2024, because he would keep destroying the global homo empire from within.

But since you're stuck in California and need a few more years, you want Trump to win. Even though most people who would resist the draft or defect under Biden, would fight for the US with Trump in charge. Even though Trump would shill for Israel and have the Right's support. Even though he could turn the tide against Brics...

@Based_Accelerationist No, if I didn't live in the US, I wouldn't care who was President. The rest of your comment was nonsense.


@Tfmonkey So you don't think the future US president will influence the result of WW3 or the Jewish Empire's control over the world? Non-Americans care who's president, you'd care.

We both accept Trump serves Israel. Who do you think will convince more people to die for America, Biden or Trump? Is it nonsense to assume a lot of conservatives who would currently resist a draft, will accept it under Trump? The momentum could easily shift towards America, away from Brics, with Trump in charge.

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