Retards and their cope.
Ur dying the fuck out cuz 0 babys. Cuz YOU allow white cunts to mark in Uni, you allow White
Cunts to chase careers.
If you thanos snap all Jews and shitskins out of every hwyte country.
Ur still dying the fuck out. And no amount of bribing cunts with tax breaks and free shot has ever worked
These faggots are pathetic and need to die.


@Deuces The truth is somewhere in the middle. Are white people (and other groups like Asians) dying from their own weakness? Absolutely. Would erasing all the Jewish influence in government immediately solve the issue? No, only a huge culling can do that at this point.

However, that is the first step. Without getting rid of the Jews in power, you're not going anywhere. Sadly Americans are far too weak to do it, so it all depends on Russia/Iran. Race matters, the Jews know it, everyone knows it.

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