@sickburnbro 2024 Update: They did nothing to defend the border while it was flooded with illegal aliens, but sprang into action to ban TikTok and shut down anti-Israel protests (during a genocide) to suck Jew cock.

The Conservatives aren't cowards, they're traitors.

@Tfmonkey @sickburnbro Agreed, but worth distinguishing between leadership and the citizenry.


And what is the difference between the leadership and the citizenry exactly? Looks like they all just follow orders, bend the knee and do what they can to get that sweet paycheck.

Oh wait, I know what the difference is, the citizenry is boosted. Good job peasants.

@Based_Accelerationist Citizenry is isolationist and we're given a "choice" of hawks at the polls. Democracy doesn't get people what they want, but compromise towards various ends of elite interests.

@BowsacNoodle That's not the majority, the majority wants welfare and safety. They get exactly the leadership they asked for.

Democracy DOES get people what they want, it's just that what the majority wants is "free stuff". But nothing's actually free, so they get the negative consequences too.

EVERYTHING the elites do happens because we allow it and promote it as a collective. And if you replaced all the "elites" with the average peasant, nothing would change either.

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