Which youtube channel in your opinion, is the most effective controlled opposition?

Most, if not all, "counter-culture" youtubers are controlled opposition, or else they wouldn't be allowed on the platform. Talmud Tim Pool, double boosted Memology, etc.
Another such case is Razorfist, a known grifter who promoted the "trust the plan" con back in 2020 and who still shills for Trump and Jews to this day. He's so pathetic that he stopped saying "God Fucking Speed" because youtube doesn't let him.

@Based_Accelerationist Libs of tik tok. It has sorta grown into 'muh based news' sort of deal or the inverse. Puts out a fair bit of things to evolve the Hypocrisy train that mr shapiro started


@FinalDresdonation Yes, they're quite effective as well. Make fun of the Left to lure in cuckservatives and then shill for Jews when they least expect it.
Good pick.

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