Remember that infamous WEF "you will own nothing and you will be happy" clip? Well, that was just one of their "predictions" in that video for 2030. Another prediction, which they also repeated several times in their older articles, was that the US wouldn't be the world's leading superpower.

You'd almost think the "Cathedral" wanted the American empire to fall.
But no, surely they're just a bunch of senile boomers who keep shooting themselves in the foot.

@Based_Accelerationist - Well, I wouldn't call it impossible... 🤔 But it's worth remembering that even a secret cabal like the cathedral is made up of individuals - each with their individual motivations, and with power struggles between them.


@YoMomz Yes, but they all seem in agreement when it comes to destroying the US and using China as the model for their utopia. Only time will tell if they're THAT retarded, or if this "Cathedral" simply transcends the US.

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