Just because you have seen some Twitter screencaps and random news articles about how "they are admitting that Covid was all a hoax" does not mean that the general public is now aware of this fact. The people you knew before that were hysterical about Covid still think it was a "deadly pandemic" and have no clue that a lot of the "Covid deaths" were padded out numbers by marking everyone with a positive test as a "Covid death" regardless if it even had anything to do with their death.

I personally know people who brought up the idea of getting the next booster shots because "we just don't know how bad this variant will be." What this showed me was that this is not an issue of "seeing the same thing and interpreting it differently." Rather, we are looking at entirely different sources of information and these people have never had real exposure to anything contrary to the legacy media narrative.


@houseoftolstoy They had exposure, just like we did, the difference is they aren't willing to listen. Time is money (which is what everyone worships) and people can't afford to pay attention and research everything they hear. They follow the money/power, especially when they're afraid. When animals are scared, they flock to the group for protection. They won't entertain anyone who threatens the collective at that point.
Their spinelessness was rewarded properly.

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