
I actually pondered if they would pierce Trump's ear (ever so slightly) before he took off the bandage to make the whole staged assassination attempt seem a little more believable, but no, they didn't even bother. And why should they? All the maga sheep already believe the narrative and even in the obscure corners of the internet, like this one, you still see many people who refuse to question such an obvious gayop.

Well, here's the messiah's ear, no damage whatsoever:

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@Based_Accelerationist a fake gay assassination op would be in such a way that it would not put his life in danger, so no bullets to the head bc it's too dangerous. It is better to put a bullet in his chest and then reveal that he survived bc of bodyarmor, most ppl dont know that he puts on body armor

@37712 That would still put his life in danger, it would be too risky, not to mention painful. Trump isn't some guy, he's deep in the swamp and very useful to them. Body armor isn't 100% protective.

The only shots fired were aimed at the crowd, the blood on Trump was placed when the security were covering him.

It was that low-effort of a gayop and people bought it.

@Based_Accelerationist so let me see if I get this right, shooting center mass with body armor using something like a .22 is too dangerous, but shooting 3 deadly bullets millimeter from his head is obviously a gay op, are you fucking retarded.

Video shows that the bullets came at his head not meter away at the crowd.

@37712 There were no real bullets aimed at Trump. So many gay ops and you still can't detect one this obvious? Just the idea that Trump, the most controlled opposition candidate ever, was the target of the deep state AND then happened to miraculously dodge a bullet, is ridiculous. But even now after seeing him promote Netanyahu's narrative and showing no damage to his ear, you still believe it? Amazing.

And what video is this, that proves the bullets came at his head? Do enlighten us.

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