
@Mr_Mister Isn't Hamas financed and controlled by Israel with the purpose of derailing any peace talks and excusing their territorial expansion?
And if Iran is going to do something, why even declare it? Just do it.

Why do I have a feeling that somehow, someway, Israel will still stand when all is said and done, while the West will be the sacrificial lamb. Then again, they didn't mind suffering a few casualties for the sake of the October 7th false flag, so who knows.

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@Based_Accelerationist everything is so fake and gay I don’t even bother trying to pay attention to who’s who anymore. I’m just waiting for something big to happen.

@Mr_Mister You have to wait until Trump gets elected. Until then, the US will continue to involve itself more directly in both fronts (Ukraine and the Middle East), but I don't expect any major life-changing events. You need a strong/charismatic leader in place before starting a world war. Once the orange messiah is in the White House however, there will likely be some sort of false flag that justifies a draft, but no sooner than that.

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