The following two claims are coming claimed by people on merovingian club

1 the government rigs the vote and the voting numbers are fake

2 Women tend to vote in a way that people in Merovingian club do not want them to vote

If claim 1 is true then how can you have measurements to know that claim 2 is true?

Also if claim 1 is true then why does it matter how women vote?


@shortstories Exactly. You can't trust voting patterns in such a rigged system.

But the thing is, as you pointed out, they don't even matter. You can tell what people vote for by their actions and their response to tyranny. The vast majority wants slavery, they want safety over freedom and nothing matters more than money and status. What would taking women's voting rights even accomplish? Women are a non-factor, they can't even enforce their own rights.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.