Russian Orthodox Christian Aleksandr Dugin - "The Kabbalah tradition Is The Greatest Achievement of the Human Spirit"

How I wish there was an actual group that opposed Israel, but sadly the US, the UK and Russia took care of the last of their kind in WW2.
Now all we have is Abrahamic psyops, Christians, Muslims and Jews, all working in tandem to fulfill their Torah prophecies and enslave mankind.

@Based_Accelerationist - It kinda makes a lot of sense really for why the Jews would want to enslave the world. 🤔

It's no excuse, but explains. The standard middle east civilizational model was mass enslavement, for thousands of years (Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, etc).

So if religion guides worldview, then it makes sense that enslaving people comes naturally.

Naturally, fuck all that. But for the eternal "why"... Food for thought. 🍻

@YoMomz Pretty much every civilization in existence engaged in slavery and relied on it to some extent. I understand the concept of free labor is appealing to most people, but it takes something else to obsess over conquering the world and actually dedicate their lives to the enslavement of mankind. More often than not, the motivation is degeneracy.

It's no secret that religions are full of sick people that want to do all sorts of unspeakable acts and they require power to get away with it.

@Based_Accelerationist - agreed. The thought occurs to me as more of a foundation for jewish worldview, but any structure is much more than its foundation.

By all indications, the ancient middle east (and later Mediterranean) may have consisted of more than 50% enslaved people. That's pretty high.

For all the laments over the fall of Rome, it's often overlooked that the concept of freedom in the West, came from the Germanic conquerors. The Romans had libertas, which wasn't quite the same. 🍻

@Based_Accelerationist - oh yeah, and regarding "it takes something else..." 🤔 I'm not so sure about that. In ancient times, Bible times, the middle east pretty much was the known world, and everything worth conquering was contained within that.

Some Phonecians may have sailed as far as Britain, but there was no sufficient social structure that could be parasitically comendeered.

And it's not like the Jews have run things since way back then. It's just that the Jewish tribe is the last ➡️

@Based_Accelerationist ➡️ survivor from those times. If the Assyians or Babylonians had survived, then they would be doing what the Jews are now.

I've come to regard Jews as some sort of living fossil from a different age. And they survived only conceptually, through the disguise of religion.

They're like terror birds - a pale imitation of much more ferocious dinosaurs, that only survived by not quite being dinosaurs. 🤔💁🏻‍♂️


@YoMomz That's a good way of putting it, although I'd say they survived in more ways than just conceptually, given their obsession with ethnic purity.

It clearly paid off though, their religion-driven ruthlessness and their accumulated knowledge has allowed them to outwit and subvert every other culture.
In the end it's our fault for submitting to them (Christians especially) which is why we're the ones facing extinction and not these terror bird dinosaurs.

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