Would you rather be the greatest man upon all men to live in a trash pile and ruler of the trash pile and beloved by women who live in the same trash pile. And all the people that live in that trash pile are very poor

Or the poorest man in a community in which all the men are rich and considered the greatest loser in the community among all the women in that same community

@shortstories Assuming the second option means no decent woman would want to have kids with you and society in general would discriminate against you for your low social status, then the best option for such a man would be, by far, to rule over the trash pile, especially if there's the possibility of improving it.


So part of the original intention of the question is that there are people who would be willing to make everyone else poor in order to just not be poorer than everyone else even if it also makes themself more poor

And then there are other people who are willing to let other people have more wealth than them as long as they gain more wealth than they would have otherwise had in the process

@shortstories If it's just about wealth, with women/status/discrimination out of the equation, then I think most people would pick the "poorest rich man" option, unless they're unable to enjoy life without being adored or wish to rule over others.

But that scenario would be a bit unrealistic.

On the other hand, a man who accepts to be discriminated against and loses access to women, just to be wealthy, clearly lacks testosterone.


Becoming the poorest rich man means women will make women in the rich community make fun of you because of your low status compared to the other rich men

Where as becoming the ruler of a trash pile will make women living in the trash pile like you better than other men living in the trash pile


@shortstories In that case and since women are a form of wealth (commodity), then what you're asking is what type of wealth people value more, money or women (plus the manual labour of the men).

And again I'll come to the conclusion that a man who says he prefers money and the comfort of technology over women and their own army, lack testosterone.

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