@Remi @ButtWorldsMan I don't know, this sounds like the most typical thing some self absorbed skank archetype could do
>"am I the asshole?"
> "I threw out his things without asking and he was understandably hurt"
I think you already answered your own question you dumb cunt
>"Am I The Asshole?"
>at no point defends her own actions

Are women this retarded? Why do you need to crowdsource a question that has such an obvious answer?
She knows she is in the wrong, she knew it when she did it, but she is wanting other women to come in and say "No kween, he is in the wrong for even spending his hard earned dollars on anything he enjoys." She wants that so she can point to it and try to excuse her actions.
@ButtWorldsMan Instant breakup for me. If it was out of actual malice I'd sue but in this case I chalk it up to just being careless, and I don't team up with careless
@ButtWorldsMan she's not wife material at all. just reading this makes me consider how to murder her
Time to turn her into an intricate sci-fi model.

@ButtWorldsMan this is clearly bait. it's intentionally staggering bait material. but it's done okay.

@kaia sure, but call it "based on a true story." I know there are men out there who have suffered through their shit being thrown out without consultation.

@ButtWorldsMan what sucks is that I'm sure a few of them cannot be reobtained for any amount of money.

that's why I get two copies of most merch and keep one off-site

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