Walked by a store in manhattan that had a notice on it: "do not enter with a hoodie or mask." It had a picture of a balaclava and a coof mask.

Crime is apparently a more important concern than stopping the spread.

Lol. Lmao even.


@fal1026 I don't live in Manhattan or a dogshit nigger neighborhood.

@ButtWorldsMan I heard the whole state is fucked though, especially putting illegals in nice neighborhood by force?

@fal1026 I've seen a lot of mexicans walking through subway cars trying to sell candy. They're honestly better than the homeless locals. They're also midgets. Not exactly a nigger tier menace.

@ButtWorldsMan I know from experience of living in Chicago through the 90's those people will work if they can, it's not them so much that is the problem as much as the fuckers putting them there, but I don't have to say what we already know.
@ButtWorldsMan Speaking of which have you heard from Pastor Louis, has he abandoned us entirely?

@fal1026 Don't expect him to come back. He's just living the best life he can.

@ButtWorldsMan I'm just going to say he made a mistake buying the house before finding his flat is justice bride, he could be living his best life down here in Florida, & I know that's a big part of why he's stuck up there, talked with him once over YouTube when he visited the West side of the peninsula for a vacation.
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