@ButtWorldsMan I don't know, maybe. I've reviewed so many toys, that only the ones I consider the best of the best stick out.

@Tfmonkey what do you consider the best in that category, then?

@ButtWorldsMan all my reviews are honest and objective, so if I said a toy is good, it's good. If not, it's not.

@Tfmonkey I'm asking if the website is legit. There's also bestvibe, I guess.

@ButtWorldsMan why would the websites not be legit? Buy from Ali Express if you're unsure I guess.

@Tfmonkey call me paranoid, but the internet is full of weird websites. I'm wary about those I've never been to. If your experience leads you to trust it, then it's a legit platform.


@Tfmonkey For example: i recently heard israel took over hamas dot com, then turned it into a black propaganda site. For funsies, that site also injects you with a virus. Hacked websites, that are otherwise trusted and innocuous, can also be turned into malware propagators by malicious actors.

Net can be a dangerous place.

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