
And there it is.

Something something roman empire.

@ButtWorldsMan lmao
And in one quick swing military service will be regarded as what it should be: something shameful and disgusting.
@ButtWorldsMan It's so predictable how retarded these fuckers are...
@ButtWorldsMan Bad news:
low iq swarthoids will gladly execute draconian orders without remorse
Good news:
These people will flake the minute things get serious
If you have to fight the military, you wont be fighting your fellow White man
Just called my local recruiter, wished him the best of luck with getting gangraped by a pack of niggers and told him to try and not be racist about it afterwards.

@ButtWorldsMan Yay I Bet 1000 bucks that those weapons won't be Targeting The Middle East or Russia

@ButtWorldsMan I hope these spics realize there is no Home Depot in the army

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