
As an atheist who grew up watching Dawkins & Hitchens debate the religious, I can relate. As I grew older, I realized the importance of Christianity in providing meaning, & building a community of people more loyal to shared values than just having a group of self-centered mercenaries.

Nowadays, if I knew nothing else about someone, & was asked if I would rather live among atheists (tend to be liberal or leftist), or just christians, I'd choose to live among christians.

@ButtWorldsMan IDK if you seen some of my responses in a conversation last night on here? But I completely agree, the only religious people I knew growing up in Chicago were not from Chicago, or people who were leftist by their practices.

@ButtWorldsMan - 2¢: One doesn't need to be atheist to understand that Christianity is incorrect. There's lots of different options when it comes to belief/value structures.

I call myself a pagan, because that's what a Christian would call me. But I believe in God (the father), while not believing in Jesus, and also while not being Jewish. Personally, I think God goes by many names, so I don't even worry about the name. I trust an all-knowing deity to know who my prayers are addressed to.

@ButtWorldsMan - And when you examine a concept such as angels, with an open mind unattached to Christianity, they start to look a lot like lesser deities.

The Christian mythos (for lack of a better descriptor), looks a lot like a Mediterranean or Nordic pantheon... and the various pantheons scattered across the globe over time. 💁🏻‍♂️

Anywho, just 2¢ (...or maybe 4). 😅🍻

@ButtWorldsMan 2004 - "Religion is the opiate of the masses"

2024 - Ok, these fucking retards are so goddamn stupid they actually need an opiate. Preferably not actual opium.

1- April Fools lol or…
2- who are you and what have you done w buttworldsman?

@ButtWorldsMan If “culturally christian” works for you then right on

@marlathetourist That's Dawkins' words. I personally just think Christians are generally more pleasant people and I'm not as hostile to them as I was a decade ago.

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