
Cops: if you don't obey, we'll shoot

Nigger: shoot me

Cops: shoot nigger


Niggers are really stupid. If you are already determined to shoot the cops, why would you ever stop your car, pretend to cooperate and let them surround you with all their guns ready?

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan It's like a videogame, different nigger, does same shit as last one like an NPC who spawned in a different area, I actually respect the one's who deviate & try to win, but fail anyway cuz they're still inherently retarded.
@ButtWorldsMan Been watching a lot more cop cams recently, I wish there were ones from the 90's cuz most of what I see are mostly like this dumb shit here, limp dick energy.

@ButtWorldsMan L take. This is 100% the cops' fault. He had two cops on opposite sides of the car shouting conflicting orders at him. The only choice he had is which cop was going to open fire on him.

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